Embrace the Sounds of Belfast With LIVE Online Music Session

Talented musicians will be welcoming viewers to a virtual trad experience, playing old favourites and reminiscing with great stories from the bustling bars on the trail

The talented musicians from the Belfast Traditional Music Trail will be generously live-streaming a gig tomorrow evening (Friday) at 6pm on Facebook Live.

Sharing stories and tunes, the local musicians will be welcoming viewers to a virtual Belfast Traditional Music Trail experience to allow people to indulge in a live session at home until they can get back to enjoying the real thing.

The online session promises to capture the spirit of the local Belfast traditional music scene, playing old favourites and reminiscing with great stories from the bustling bars on the trail.

Embrace it from your own home, whether it’s through tapping your feet, singing along or picking up an instrument.

Tune in to the session on:

  • Discover Northern Ireland Facebook Page
  • Friday 17th April, 6pm

Follow the Discover Northern Ireland social channels for more activities to enjoy at home, embracing the spirit of Northern Ireland during the time, from recipes and recitals to playlists, landscapes and more.
