Revealed: What Adventurous Activities Brits Want To Do Abroad

Icelandair surveyed over 2,000 Brits to explore the adventurous pursuits of UK holidaymakers

Icelandair surveyed over 2,000 Brits to explore the adventurous pursuits of UK holidaymakers. The study has revealed the activities most loved by adventurous Brits.

  • Horse riding, wild swimming and four wheel driving are the most popular adventure activities for Brits.

  • 25-34 year olds are the most adventurous age category with 1 in 5 wanting to participate in activities like snowmobiling and ATV.

  • Women are more adventurous than men, with women stating they would participate in more adventurous activities on holiday than men.

Icelandair has conducted a study to identify the ultimate adventure bucket list for Brits, full of their most popular activities. Activities such as hiking (31%), camping (25%), and horse riding (23%), have been found to be notably the most favoured by the British public.

What are the go-to adventures for Brits

Of the adventurous activities, a quarter of Brits would go on a camping holiday whilst 1 in 5 would love four-wheel driving. Boat trips can come in many shapes and sizes from whale watching to floating parties, over half of Brits would head out to sea on a boat trip when abroad. Almost 1 in 5 (19%) would dive off the side and head down-under for a scuba dive.

What percentage of Brits want to take part in these adventure activities? (%)

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When asked what benefits respondents associate with being adventurous, more than two in five stated adventurous activities give them a confidence boost. This impacts women more than men, as 14% more women agreed to a rise in confidence than men. 48% of women also felt more fulfilled (48%) partaking in adventurous activities compared to just 32% of men. In fact, women seemed to benefit more from adventures than men across all categories, with nearly a quarter of men saying they feel ‘no benefits in particular’.

How do adventurous activities benefit men and women differently?




Confidence boost



A sense of fulfilment



Improved mental health



Challenges perceptions of yourself



Less stressed



Feeling connected to the people you are with



Increased resilience



Increased creativity



No benefits in particular



7 in 10 Brits value quality time over material possessions

To uncover what truly matters to holidaymakers in the UK, we asked participants to reveal what means most to them in life. According to the research, 68% of Brits value spending time and making memories with their loved ones, followed by self-care and visiting new places (52%).

When compared to the surprising number of individuals who place less value on money (49%) and half of Brits valuing physical adventures over material possessions, it is clear that for couples, prioritising shared adventures and meaningful moments is much more valuable when maintaining strong and healthy relationships.

Mental health expert Dr Deborah Lee reveals the health benefits of adventure travel.

We spoke to a leading mental health expert, Dr Deborah Lee,  who has revealed why adventure travel is so important for mental health and physical well-being.

“There’s no doubt that holidays have both physical and mental health benefits. The more active the adventure, the better the physical benefits from weight loss to increased oxygen in the bloodstream. However, just being outdoors is known to lower your heart rate and blood pressure showing how impactful the natural world can be.

With regard to your mental health, the hectic pace of modern life is responsible for much of the huge stress we all face today. Even though going on an adventure holiday can come with its own stress, this ‘controlled stress’ can be hugely beneficial to your mental state.  Mastering a new skill, whether it be rock climbing or rafting, and overcoming the physical boundaries you set yourself in daily life comes with an immense sense of achievement, making it no surprise that adventure holidays are boosting Brit’s confidence.”
