Carnival 2024 in the Canary Islands: A Whirlwind Fiesta Across the Archipelago!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys, and girls, brace yourselves for a whirlwind fiesta like no other!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys, and girls, brace yourselves for a whirlwind fiesta like no other! It’s time to dust off your sequined costumes, don your feathered masks, and pack your dancing shoes because Carnival 2024 in the Canary Islands is here to whisk you away on a vibrant journey across this enchanting archipelago.

The Canary Islands, with their seven unique islands, each boasting its own character and charm, are synonymous with stunning beaches, lush landscapes, and, of course, world-famous carnivals. Carnival season in the Canaries is a celebration of life, culture, and endless fun, and 2024 promises to be a year to remember.

Tenerife: Kicking off the Party!

We begin our Carnival journey in Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands and home to one of the most renowned Carnival celebrations worldwide. Santa Cruz de Tenerife transforms into a kaleidoscope of colours, music, and dance during its Carnival, often competing with Rio de Janeiro for the title of “Carnival Capital of the World.”

With elaborate costumes, energetic street parades, and contests like the “Murgas” (satirical song contests), you’ll be utterly captivated. Be sure to join in the fun and dance the night away in Plaza de España. And don’t forget to indulge in the mouthwatering Canarian cuisine, with local delicacies like “papas arrugadas” (wrinkled potatoes) and “mojo” sauces.

Gran Canaria: A Carnival Extravaganza!

Next stop, Gran Canaria! The capital city, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, hosts its own fabulous Carnival celebration. The highlight? The Drag Queen Gala, where glamorous contestants battle for the coveted crown. Prepare to be wowed by the extravagant costumes and jaw-dropping performances.

Fuerteventura: Carnival by the Beaches!

The sandy shores of Fuerteventura come alive during Carnival season, offering a unique beachy twist to the festivities. The local Carnival of Puerto del Rosario is a must-see, with parades, live music, and a charming maritime flair that sets it apart from the rest.

Lanzarote: A Volcanic Carnival Experience!

Known for its otherworldly landscapes, Lanzarote’s Carnival in Arrecife blends the traditional with the extraordinary. Prepare to be amazed by the “Burial of the Sardine,” a bizarre yet entertaining ceremony symbolizing the end of Carnival, followed by more partying, of course!

La Palma: The Carnival of the Stars!

La Palma’s capital, Santa Cruz de La Palma, offers a truly cosmic Carnival experience. Their theme for 2024? “Galactic Carnival.” Expect otherworldly costumes, parades with alien invaders, and even UFO-themed floats. It’s a party that’s truly out of this world!

La Gomera: Small Island, Big Carnival Spirit!

Although one of the smallest islands in the archipelago, La Gomera’s Carnival in San Sebastián de La Gomera is a delightful blend of tradition and festivity. You’ll feel like you’re part of a close-knit family as you celebrate alongside the locals.

El Hierro: Carnival with a Unique Island Flare!

El Hierro, the smallest of the Canary Islands, hosts an intimate yet charming Carnival celebration in Valverde. Expect a laid-back atmosphere with folkloric music and dances that reflect the island’s unique culture.

As you embark on your Carnival journey across the Canary Islands, remember to embrace the spirit of each island’s celebration. These seven unique destinations offer a diverse range of experiences, and together they create a spectacular tapestry of Canarian culture and traditions.

So, grab your carnival gear, your sense of adventure, and a hearty appetite for fun. Carnival 2024 in the Canary Islands awaits you, promising memories that will last a lifetime. Get ready to dance, sing, and celebrate like never before in this enchanting archipelago – it’s a fiesta you won’t want to miss!

For more information on the Canary Islands go to
