Try New Booking Tool For Free!

Technology firm offers travel brands free trial of new booking tool

A new tool for agents and tour operators has been launched to help simplify the planning of complex itineraries. TripBuilder, developed by Swiss-based company Nezasa, has already been widely adopted by large and small clients in the DACH region and is now being launched worldwide.

The company is currently giving companies the chance to trial the travel booking technology for free.

Speaking about the new agent tool, Nezasa CEO Manuel Hilty said: “It gives an agent or operator the possibility to have a meaningful conversation with a customer.

“Instead of the situation where they say ‘tell me what you want, then please go home and I’ll get back to you tomorrow’, they can turn the screen and put the trip together with the customer, advising them in real time and interactively.

“In the current climate, a lot of travel brands can’t afford and shouldn’t invest in IT any more up front, but should adopt more usage-based models,” Hilty added.
