Travel Industry Day of Action Update

ANITA has issued an update about the Travel Industry day of action on 23rd June

ANITA has issued an update about the Travel Industry day of action on 23rd June.

In a statement, ANITA said:“We are looking forward to seeing everyone at Stormont next Wednesday for our industries Day of action. We would ask everyone to assemble at the bottom of the steps at Stormont (remember we must all adhere to social distancing rules and carry a  face covering in case it is required) for 12 mid-day.

“Park and Ride may be the best way to get there or if driving park as close to Stormont as possible and walk the rest – allow enough time for this. This is a day to lobby our elected representatives for support for our industry so keep asking your local MLAs to come out and meet you on the steps – we have already had some confirm they will be there.

“We have been taking guidance from the #savefuturetravel coalition and they have suggested putting #speakupfortravel or media posts or on any banners that you may want to bring. This is the first time our industry here has done something like this and everyone needs to play their part in making it a success and ensuring we get our message out to those who can help us.

“If you have any queries contact Damian, Tracie or Richard before next Wednesday. We look forward to seeing you at Stormont on Wednesday.”
