Spanish Tourist Office Announces Programme For Second ‘Spain Sustainability Day’

The Spanish Tourist Office (UK) announces the programme for Spain’s Sustainability Day, taking place in London on Wednesday 17 April 2024 consisting of an afternoon conference

The Spanish Tourist Office (UK) announces the programme for Spain’s Sustainability Day, taking place in London on Wednesday 17 April 2024 consisting of an afternoon conference followed by Spain’s ‘Sustainable Media Awards’.

The conference co-sponsored by destination partners, Visit Benidorm and Mallorca Tourism Board, includes panels and keynote speakers from across the travel and transportation industries with speakers confirmed panellists including representatives from ABTA, World Animal Protection, Valencia Green Capital, The Travel Foundation, Garden Hotels, Intrepid, the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), Limitless Travel, and more.

The conference will focus on different aspects of sustainability within tourism with panel sessions on circular economy, biodiversity and accessibility, featuring a number of experts in the field.

As well as the panel sessions, the conference will welcome two keynote speakers. Nejc Jus, head of research at the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) and Charlie Cotton, founder of carbon consultancy, ecollective.

Nejc Jus is responsible for shaping, leading and implementing the WTTC’s research agenda. He will present the latest environmental and social indicators from both the United Kingdom and Spain in the context of the European averages. Charlie Cotton will talk through the process of accurately calculating your carbon footprint and strategies to reach NetZero.

Manuel Butler, director of the Spanish Tourist Office (UK) says:

“I am delighted to share the programme for Spain Sustainability Day following the success of last years’ event.

This year’s programme highlights aspects of social sustainability which are often ignored in wider discussions around the term, and we expect the event to create important discourses on balancing different aspects of responsible travel. Above all, Spain Sustainability Day will enable our UK and Spanish industries to learn from one another.’

The afternoon event is followed by informal networking and media-awards-registration (17:00 – 18:00) before Spain’s Sustainable Media Awards ceremony begin, celebrating the best UK travel writing in line with Spain’s sustainability pillars with a special recognition award to be presented by Wanderlust.

Please register your interest here.
