Karen Cameron and Louise Tansey: Immersive Induction On Board Ambience

Ambassador’s two new Divisional Sales Managers Karen Cameron and Louise Tansey recently spent time with the team

Ambassador’s two new Divisional Sales Managers Karen Cameron and Louise Tansey recently spent time with the team from the cruise line’s central operations team, Matt Tasker and Adam Mustoe, on board Ambience for a four-day trip from London Tilbury to Lisbon.

The immersive induction trip, which sailed from Ambassador’s home port on 16 February, was to ensure that Karen and Louise can bring the product to life when talking to the trade about all things Ambassador.

During their time on board, they spent time with the senior officers to understand how the operation works, dined in all Ambience’s amazing restaurants and danced the night away in the ship’s beautiful Observatory bar.

Karen and Louise are happy to book in any training sessions with agents and trade partners to support them and are also looking forward to hosting ship visits this year to allow them to experience Ambassador Cruise Line. They can be contacted via karen.cameron.@ambassadorcruiseline.com and louise.tansey@ambassadorcruiseline.com. Trade partners can also keep up to date with all Ambassador news via the cruise line’s ‘Ambassador Cruise Line Trade Partners’ Facebook page.
