DAA Staff Receive Profits and Share Bonuses

Staff in Dublin and Cork airports receive profit share and bonuses for last year

Dublin and Cork airports owner DAA paid staff a profit share and other bonuses due for 2019 last week.

DAA confirmed that it had paid staff “profit share, gain-share and performance-related” payments due for 2019.

The company did not give a figure for the total paid to workers, but said they included a €500 voucher given to almost all staff.

A spokesperson said the “payments were triggered after a range of specific financial targets were met for last year”.

“In several years in the past, the payments for the previous year would have already been made by early April,” the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson also confirmed that under the terms of his contract, Chief Executive Dalton Philips, did not qualify for any performance-related pay, profit share or gain-share payments.
