ANITA Initiative Gains Great Support

The recently formed Association of Northern Ireland Travel Agents has, over the last week, made great progress in their goal of bringing the current problems of the Northern Ireland Travel Trade to the attention of the Northern Ireland Executive in Stormont

In just over a week the group, brought together by Damian Murphy of Terra Travel and Richard Cooper from Carefree Travel, have 36 agency owners as well as many home workers, travel counsellors and others directly involved in retail travel adding their voice and support to the cause.

Damian commented: “The support for the group grows by the day and we have everyone calling emailing their local political representatives to bring their attention to our situation.

“So far we have had our case presented to high ranking civil servants who have told us they will move it forward to the Economy Minister as early as next week. We have had replies from several well-know politicians including Carla Lockhart MP, who have said they will help bring our case directly to the Economy Minister.”

Richard says: “The level of support we have received only goes to show the urgency and overall concern over this current issue and that we must continue to lobby government for more help to keep our Industry in the strong position it has been for many years now.”

The regional committee representatives are:
