ABTA Calls on Travel Businesses to Contact MPs Ahead of Debate

ABTA is calling on travel businesses to contact MPs ahead of the parliamentary debate

ABTA is calling on travel businesses to contact MPs ahead of the parliamentary debate.

In a video message to the travel sector, ABTA’s Director of Public Affairs Luke Petherbridge said: “Tell them your experiences… tell them what you’ve been through and what you need from Government.”

In the video Luke says that ABTA has been busy all week briefing MPs ahead of the debate on Monday (24 May at 6.15pm) but that it is really important MPs hear from the travel companies in their constituencies about how the pandemic has affected their businesses, what the sector needs for the restart and recovery, as well as the ongoing need for financial support. He also says that travel businesses need to urge MPs to attend and speak up on behalf of the industry.

To help Members engage with their MPs ABTA has published new materials including template emails, infographics and a briefing document. The materials can be found at abta.com/savefuturetravel.

You can view Luke’s video below…


Message to ABTA Members from Luke Petherbridge, Director of Public Affairs, ABTA
