PortAventura World to Open on July 8

PortAventura World in Spain will open on July 8 with special safety and hygiene measures in place

PortAventura World in Spain will open on July 8 with special measures put in place in relation to COVID-19.

Currently, it is necessary to carry out temperature controls, maintain a minimum safety distance, ensure hand hygiene and comply with the respiratory label, as follows:

  • Temperature control: security services will perform temperature control on visitors upon arrival at the resort using a thermal imager and a laser thermometer. Visitors with a temperature above 37.5ºC will not be able to access the resort facilities. In the case of hotels, access to companions will not be allowed either.
  • Respect the interpersonal safety distance of at least one and a half meters with respect to other groups of visitors.
  • Comply with the mandatory use of masks throughout the resort: visitors over six years old should always wear a mask. This obligation will be regarded as fulfilled by use of any type of mask, preferably hygienic or surgical, that covers both nose and mouth. The use of the mask will not be required in the cases in which the sanitary regulations exonerate it.
  • Comply with the requirement of cleaning hands as regularly as possible and using of hydroalcoholic gel enabled in special points of the park prior to access to certain areas of the park, attractions, shops or other facilities.

PortAventura World reserves the right not to admit those who do not comply with the aforementioned special measures in relation to COVID-19 into the facilities.
