ITAA Issues Response as Aer Lingus Cancels Flights Due to Industrial Action

The Irish Travel Agents Association urges all parties to come to negotiate

The Irish Travel Agents Association (ITAA) is once again calling for all parties involved in the Aer Lingus pilots’ industrial action to resume negotiations and come to a swift resolution for consumers.

Angela Walsh, President of the ITAA said: “The ITAA is urging Aer Lingus and unions to reach a resolution. Industrial action over the summer months causes serious impact for both holidaymakers and corporate travellers, which we have seen with the cancellation of flights in advance of the indefinite period of work-to-rule which takes place from next Wednesday.”

Ms Walsh continued: “The consumer is ultimately at the heart of this. We are in the busiest travel period of the year, with seriously damaging effects on both inbound and outbound tourism, the leisure holiday market, business travel and for family members flying to see their loved ones. We are urging the airline and the pilots to put the consumer first in an effort to avoid such disruption to travel plans.”

Industrial action by Aer Lingus pilots is due to start on Wednesday June 26.
