Is Funding on the Horizon for NI’s Travel Industry?

Negotiations between ANITA and the Northern Ireland executive over a further support package for the travel sector in Northern Ireland are now drawing to a close so we spoke to Damian Murphy from Anita for an update

Negotiations between ANITA and the Northern Ireland executive over a further support package for the travel sector in Northern Ireland are now drawing to a close so we spoke to Damian Murphy from Anita for an update.

“We had yet another meeting with political representatives last Thursday to try and secure a support package for our sector here in Northern Ireland.” He said.

“This time we met with the economy committee for what I have to say was a very positive meeting. We once again put forward our case for support and this time we asked them to consider a larger amount than the March 2021 package. Our hope is that at a full meeting of that committee on Wednesday 2nd February they will agree to take a support package to finance minister Mr Conor Murphy and seek his approval.”

He continued,

“All the indications we have received point towards them doing this and Conor Murphy has already indicated he will look favourably at it. During the meeting at which myself, Sharon Thompson and Sandra Corkin spoke it was made very clear that our industry feels let down and to some extent ignored by the executive and they were left in no doubt how our whole industry feels about this. All we can do now is wait on the committee to report back to us and to give us a timetable (hopefully) to move forward.”

“I feel that other sectors have been given preference over us with some receiving several support packages and now is the time for the executive to step up and offer support to a valuable sector in the economy of Northern Ireland”

The travel industry have been hard hit throughout the pandemic and have called for this funding for months to help salvage and boost the sector.
