Industry Figures Represent Outbound Tourism Sector in New UK Council

The representatives of the outbound tourism industry include, Dame Irene Hays, British Airways' chairperson, Sean Doyle, CLIA chief executive Andy Harmer

Industry figures have been selected to represent the outbound tourism sector as members of the UK government’s new Visitor Economy Advisory Council.

The newly established council, otherwise known as the VEAC, aims to achieve the government’s goal of 50 million international visitors a year to the UK by 2030. However, Sir Chris Bryant, UK Tourism Minister has agreed that the VEAC will have more of an outbound focus than the existing Tourism Industry Council.

The representatives of the outbound sector include, Dame Irene Hays, British Airways’ chairperson, Sean Doyle, CLIA chief executive Andy Harmer.

While the council will predominantly focus on boosting inbound tourism, the UK government have highlighted how the panel will also cast focus on the outbound travel sector to ensure that travellers have a positive experience when travelling.
