Only 1 In 13 Know There Are Five Oceans And Only 1 In 11 Can Name Them All

New research has found that one in three Britons don’t know the North Sea from the English Channel and one in five believes the Mediterranean is the largest sea in the world

What’s more, only 8% correctly know there are five oceans and just 9% were able to name all oceans and seas when told how many there were.

The United Kingdom is surrounded by water, with five oceans covering more than 70% of the surface of the planet. Whilst Britons travel to all areas of the world for business and pleasure on a regular basis, it’s been found that almost all don’t know there are five oceans or the difference between the North Sea and the English Channel.

The survey was carried by, the leader in peer-to-peer boat rentals and yacht charters online with over 100,000 users globally, offering an easy-to-use service for both sides. More than 2,300 Britons were quizzed on their geographical knowledge of the surrounding seas and oceans in a bid to discover if Britons really need to learn more about the world around them.

Firstly all respondents were asked if they knew how many named oceans there were in the world, with just over half believing there are only two – The Atlantic and The Pacific (52%). A further 28% said three, 20% said four and the remaining 8% correctly said five.

When quizzed about the seas specifically surrounding England it was found that 36% of respondents didn’t know the North Sea from the English Channel. Furthermore, it was found that 34% of respondents didn’t know the Atlantic Ocean bordered the UK.

When asked why they don’t know about the seas that surround ours lands, top answers cited include not paying attention in school (45%), 22% thought they did know when in fact they have been getting them mixed up the whole time and a further 16% said they didn’t really care too much about the different names of the world’s oceans and seas.

The survey also found that 20% of respondents admitted to thinking that the Mediterranean Sea was one of our largest oceans, whilst a further 12% claimed to have posted a picturesque image of the sea on social media naming it completely different to what it was in fact called.

Finally, when told there were five oceans and seven seas, just 9% were able to correctly name all of them.

Alfredo Bernal, UK Country Manager at, said: “It seems that from this survey, Britons should do more research into the oceans and seas that surround us. With there being so many names it can be hard to keep track but it is important to know these things as we swim, visit and travel them all the time, whether at home or away on holiday. It makes you wonder how good everyone’s general geography for the UK is too.”
