Camping on a Budget

With the best intentions of a budget getaway, it's easy to get carried away with the spends - Check out our top tips to keep costs under control...

With the best will in the world, we can all run a little over budget when it comes to our family staycations. There’s no better way to escape reality for a little while than to pack up your tent and venture into the great outdoors… but even that can rack up a fair few pounds if you’re not prepared.

Check out a few of our tips for a weekend escape that doesn’t burn a hole in your tent…

Fail to Prepare – Prepare to Fail…
It’s all very exciting getting your suitcase packed to venture off into the sunset on your package holiday; but for anyone new to camping, you’ll need to do a little bit better than a bikini and some sun screen.

Organisation is the Key! Plan everything in advance, especially if you’re not seasoned campers. Book your camping site in advance – especially in todays crazy world! This is not the time to wing an adventure that’s off the beaten track of what you’re used to!

Write a list of all the bits and bobs that you think you might need before you go… Mentally think through your trip: Where are you going to stay? How are you going to cook? How are you getting that tin open?

All of these little details save you not only time, but money! It’s all too easy to have all your gear around you, ready to make your beans and toast until you realise that you haven’t got a tin opener and before you know it, the munchies have taken over and you’re in the restaurant up the road chomping on the first of three courses!

Pre-Book Campsites and Write Lists!

You don’t have to buy all your gear…
It’s easy to get a bit excited and feel like you have to purchase the entire Outwell catalogue before your big adventure… Chill out Bear Grylls! No-one needs a water purification kit in Tollymore!

It might surprise you how little you actually need to buy for your new life off-grid in the first place. Ask your mates… there will be a tent in someones shed waiting to be aired out (just make sure it’s still water-proof!)… And unless you’re planning to go to the Antarctic, bring your bedding from the house!

There will be loads of time to invest in the pro-gear after you trial out this new found freedom first!

Remember, there are two types of people in the world… The true, authentic, wildling campers… and those who gurn when their socks get wet… Make sure you know which camp you’re on before you spend a fortune on a yurt!
